Government through office of the prime minister plays a lead role in refuge management in accordance with article 189 (1) and sixth schedule item 5,of the 1995 constitution
The Department of Refugees, established under the Office of Prime Minister by Act of Parliament (Section 7 – 10 of the Refugees Act 2006), responsible for all administrative matters concerning refugees in Uganda, and to co-ordinate inter- ministerial and non-Governmental activities and programs relating to refugees.
Departmental Vision: To find durable solutions for the refugee problems within the broad Government policy, that leads to social development initiatives in refugee hosting areas.
Departmental Mission: To manage the response to refugees’ situation in Uganda by assuring their welfare and protection within the relevant institutional frameworks.
CRRF is an international comprehensive refugee response Framework that was adopted from the Leaders’ Summit on Refugees in New York in September 2016.
It provides a platform for stakeholders to come together and find common solutions to challenges arising from refugee migration and influx.
This comprehensive response is being pursued under the leadership of Government and UNHCR, as a means of ensuring that the host communities are supported to build their resilience in the face of increased refugee numbers, as they strive to treat them humanely and with dignity; so that the two groups can continue to live in peace, harmony and dignity.
The CRRF is multi-stakeholder model formed to safeguard refugee matters that focus on humanitarian and development needs of both refugees and host communities.
The CRRF in Uganda encompasses five mutually reinforcing pillars, as outlined by the global objectives;
The objectives of CRRF Uganda chapter include